Eat, Shrink & Smile.


Just another weblog


I didn’t work out to much.. I woke up late, and had to go to work. So, Treadmill for 30 minutes.

I’ve been craving soda, and chips so bad. I have been somewhat good.. I did have a glass of gingerale today, and right after I felt so sick.

How do you guys stop yourself from cravings? I have them all the time. Where I just want to eat, and eat, and EAT.

Also, I have been trying not to buy myself stuff without reaching a goal, but I haven’t been doing to well. Makeup is my weakness. I just ordered 100$ from MAC COSMETICS. I wish I could have waited, but really couldnt. Limited edition stuff sucks me in.. I guess I’ll have to REALLY work to make up for it now.

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