Eat, Shrink & Smile.


Just another weblog


I didn’t work out to much.. I woke up late, and had to go to work. So, Treadmill for 30 minutes.

I’ve been craving soda, and chips so bad. I have been somewhat good.. I did have a glass of gingerale today, and right after I felt so sick.

How do you guys stop yourself from cravings? I have them all the time. Where I just want to eat, and eat, and EAT.

Also, I have been trying not to buy myself stuff without reaching a goal, but I haven’t been doing to well. Makeup is my weakness. I just ordered 100$ from MAC COSMETICS. I wish I could have waited, but really couldnt. Limited edition stuff sucks me in.. I guess I’ll have to REALLY work to make up for it now.

Filed under: Oops..Forgot to sort!, , , ,

Update #10

Sorry I was MIA for a moment there.. I started a new job. I’m excited for a new job, because now I can finally have money. Its not the best hours.. So I’m still looking for something better, or something else to go along with it.

I’m not letting this job thing get in the way of my gym time! The day of my last post, I didn’t go to the gym, but I did do a hour of p90x with my boyfriend. It was kinda hard for me to keep up with the tape!

Today I did go to the gym!

  • 25 minutes HIIT on the elliptical
  • 35 minutes – 6 incline – 3.0/5.0 speeds – Treadmill

In total I did 4 miles! Bringing me to 10.5/2010. I’m not going to lie, I know I’m totally behind. Even though just 4 days into March I have made a few mistakes with my diet, I’m not allowing anymore. I’m going to be in control! Remember, I’m doing this journey for me! So control is important!

Question for any readers.. Do you prefer to workout in the morning, or in the evening?

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Update #9

20  minutes intense ellipictal

20 minutes running

20 minutes biking

So, in total I reached 6 miles! Biggest in a day I have ever had. MY TOTAL 12.5/2010. I’m quite happy.. I needed a good workout because I knew what I was going to eat tonight. ahah. I’m excited to reach 6 again tomorrow.. Maybe more?

Oranges! I don’t think I have had an orange for quite a bit. Note to self.. Regular oranges don’t really peel the same at Christmas Oranges. Oh well.. It was good. I’m so glad I’m eating all this fruit I had “forgot’ about.

DINNER. We had a giftcard to The KEG. Ugh, I love the Keg. I knew how many calories I was going to eat.. and I wouldn’t deny myself any good meats. I had steak, shrimp, and a twice baked potato.

I tried to eat some ‘healthy’ ice cream afterwards.. I don’t really like it at all. Soy products are not my cup of tea. 😦

I noticed I always talk about healthy eating, and OVEREATING, and EATING OUT. Its really all I do. I wish I had more control.. But I promise I am getting better.

I will allow myself ZERO excuses. I have used them all upl

Filed under: Daily Updates, Yum, Food!, , , ,

Update #8

Saturday was a break day for me.. I didn’t go to the gym, and I *tried* to keep my calories under control, but in the end I dont know where I ended up. I went to the Cactus Club with my friend, her dad and her uncle. Lets just say I ate!

Today was MUCH better. I woke up early to go line up somewhere for a hockey game, but in the end, didn’t go. Thats good in a way! Saved me much unwanted calorie eating. CANADA FOR GOLD.

I did a little bit of shopping for fruit as well! I was running out, lol.

I started the day with a super good smoothie. Very filling too. Inside of it was a cup of yogurt, 4 frozen strawberries, 1.5 banana’s (i ate the rest..), and a nice spoonful of the new peanut butter I got. IT WAS SO GOOD. I miss making smoothies, and glad I did so today.

This is the peanut butter I got today… From Whole Foods. I’ve seen those ..’health’ blogs some girls have, and they always seem to have a thing for peanut butter! I saw this on one of the blogs, and it was a must by. Peanut Butter & Co! DELIOUS.

During the game I had about a 1.5 cups of pineapple. I was craving other things though… Pizza. Chicken Wings, Fries. A BURGER. The pineapple did me good though.. Ugh, I love pineapple. I need more now though..

For dinner I ate whatever again. I did have a few banana’s between breakfast-lunch-dinner. We had teriyaki chicken, white rice, and cream corn.

Tomorrow’s monday.. And then tuesday will be weigh in number two since I have started this blog! I hope it goes well.

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Update #5

Today I decided I’m a fruitarian til dinner time. We started the day off with tons of yummy kiwis.. Just when they are about to get soft.. Thats when I like them best. Then I had a banana, and now I’m having some raspberries! For dinner, I’m going to eat whatever everyone else is eating.. I can only eat fruit during the day, because seriously, I like my foods. hahaha

I was going to do the C25K challenge, but then I found something else called 2010 in 2010. 2010 Miles in 2010! I know I won’t get anywhere near 2010 miles this year… It would be 6 miles a day. Today I did 3, and almost died. haha. So, I’m basically moving up a mile a day. I couldnt run that far today.. It hurt my legs so bad. 😦

Running – 25 minutes – 1.05 miles!

Elliptical – 30 minutes intervals – 2 miles!

Weight lifting – mainly legs.. – 20 minutes

Filed under: Daily Updates, Goals, Yum, Food!, , , , , ,

Update #3

25 minutes step elliptical?

30 minutes Walk/Running

20 minutes biking

Today my sister joined me at the gym, and I must say, it was really good! This step elliptical thing is like.. half stairmaster, half elliptical. I must say, it was SO HARD. So i’m excited.

I also ‘ran’ my first mile.. I’m not going to lie, a lot of it was walking. I was doing a  .9 running, and .5 walking. It was hard enough.. I got to 1.10 in 30 minutes. So, I’m happy, but I know its a weak number. I hope to punch it up tomorrow, and try and do maybe 2 miles. I really walk to get into running!

I’m not even going to bother writing about the food right now. It hasn’t been perfect, but I’ve been trying.

Tomorrow is the first ‘weight in’ since I got this blog. I must say, when I wore my super tight skinny jeans today, they weren’t that super tight.. more like super loose. 🙂

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Weightloss Goals

I haven’t really talked about my goals, or what I want to lose. As I said in my first post, I am overweight. I stand at 5’7-5’8 and weigh about 230 pounds. Most of my fat is in my stomach (blah!), And personally I would rather have fat around my neck then there.

My goal is really to try and lose 2 pounds a week.. Or 10 pounds a month. My goal weight is to lose 100 pounds.. In a year.

I’ve been a yo-yo dieter, and have been someone who starts something but doesnt complete it. I really feel motivated most days now.. Most days meaning I do crack and eat some fries and ice cream, but I’m usually top of my game.

I’m only 19, so losing weight is something that if I want to do it, I better do it now. I want to be able to wear a bikini in my life while I’m still young! I want that super hot body, and I am determined to get it.

So 10 pounds a month, then maintain, and tone. Maybe I’ll be happy before 100 pounds? I just want this tummy gone!

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Eat, Shrink & Smile.

Welcome to my little part on the web.. Its also my weightloss blog.

I need help keeping motivated, and what I need help with is eating, shrinking, and keeping smiling (Grammar? I dont care). And what the title is, its exactly what I want to do.

Currently I’m overweight.. I weighed in at the gym with 238.5! Gross! I don’t feel like a fat person.. I know thats stupid to say, but there is people who are happy to be fat. I don’t look at myself at fat, but the scale says otherwise!

I want to try and lose 10 pounds a month, I don’t know if thats really realistic, But I will try! I go and exercise at least for one hour a day (today was a rest day 😦 ) and have currently been doing this for a week or two?

I am truely doing this for appearance issues. I have crazy insecure.. I just want to ‘feel’ beautiful, and being skinny, or skinnier is really something I think I need to do that. Disagree? I don’t care, this is my journey.

Well, theres my short intro.. So lets get started. I hope to maybe meet a few friends while I do this.. and I hope i’m successful!

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